Jörg Garbrecht (*1976) is an art historian and a speaker. He curates and hosts extraordinary experiences. Being very creative with a keen sense of high quality and taste, Jörg Garbrecht weaves together art, nature, history, luxury brands and culinary culture to a unique Gesamtkunstwerk. In his lively talks and experiences, he combines his expertise with his love for sophisticated experimentation.

Fast-paced chains of associations and surprising volts characterize Jörg Garbrecht's entertainigl style. After studying art history and management at the University of St Andrews, he received his PhD from Oxford University in 2002.

He inspires outstanding personalities, collectors, entrepreneurs, exclusive travel- and charter-guests, and private parties as well as congretations at fairs with more than a thousand attendees.

Jörg Garbrecht is director of the Alexander-Tutsek Stiftung in Munich. Previously he has worked for entreprenuer Susanne Klatten, owner of BMW, for half a decade as head curator of the Stiftung Nantesbuch Art and Nature.

»Sie sitzen schon, mit hohen Augenbrauen, gelassen da und möchten gern erstaunen...«

Goethe / Faust

»What I love is the gracefulness: It is a powerful game, but it takes touch and finesse.«

After Virgil Abloh

Drivers’ Business Club, Munich / Rotary Club International / Lions Club International / Sea Cloud Cruises / Sylt Marketing / British Council / Kunsthalle Mannheim / Wempe – Fine Watches and Jewelry / Herford Art Association / söl'ring foriining / Books over Borders, Aventoft / Nolde Stiftung Seebüll / Nolde Museum Berlin / Lys over Lolland / Oxford University / Business Club VBKI – Verein Berliner Kaufleute und Industrieller / Stiftung Natur Art and Nature / Congress Centrum Hamburg

Fondation Louis Vuitton, Paris / Mercedes-AMG / Ben Uri Gallery – The London Jewish Museum of Art / Kunsthalle Mannheim / Kunstmuseum Wolfsburg / Bavarian State Painting Collections / Nolde Stiftung Seebüll / Nolde Museum Berlin with repeated sponsorship through the Ernst von Siemens Kunststiftung / Stiftung Nantesbuch Art and Nature / Gallery Tobias Naehring, Leipzig und Berlin / Gallery Beck & Eggeling, Düsseldorf

Jörg Garbrecht is currently working on a book on Danish legends.

curated projects in cooperation with

Bugatti Automotive / Maison Cartier / Montblanc / Lalique SA / Mucha Foundation / Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation, Lissabon / Musée d’Artes Décoratifs, Paris / LVMH Moët Hennesy Louis Vuitton / MoMA, New York / Collezione Maramotti, Reggio Emilia / Neue Galerie, New York / Kunsthalle Mannheim / Nolde Stiftung Seebüll / Nolde Museum Berlin / Ernst von Siemens Kunststiftung / Philadelphia Museum of Art / Tate Modern, London / Max Liebermann Villa, Berlin / State Museums Berlin / Stiftung Nantesbuch Art and Nature

Jörg Garbrecht has 20 years of hands-on experience in the entrepreneurial art world. Innovative thinking, business acumen and an effective range of methods allow me to provide tailor-made advice to private collections, museums and foundations on collection management, publishing, merchandising, visitor engagement, gastronomy and authentic brand worlds.

Art-related building projects are also Jörg Garbrecht’s area of expertise: From the search for a location to the renovation (including National Heritage sites) and interior design to new building projects. Jörg Garbrecht was and still is active in specialized teams for new building projects in the federal states of Schleswig-Holstein, Baden-Wurttemberg and Bavaria with investments between 12 and 70 millions euros.


"There are texts that should be tasted with pleasure, others devoured, and still others savored and digested in bites..."

After Francis Bacon / The Essays

Black Label Shopping im Vollsortimenter

Ein erster kunstvoller Blick Gern schlendere ich durch die Münchner Fünf Höfe, das elegante Stadtquartier von Herzog & de Meuron. Es ist Samstag früh im Monat fünf des…

»Schwarze Sonne«

Lieber Eiko, draußen über der Marsch steht die Nacht. Vor mir ausgebreitet liegen 18 Monotypien aus Deiner Mappe »Sort Sol / Schwarze Sonne«. Zwischen den wuchtigen Blättern…

»Sugar daddies« in nuce

Eingefasst in edle Walnussrahmen präsentiert Marcel Buehler 180 Bildcollagen unter dem Titel »Die halbe Reise«. Die Reisegeschwindigkeit, mit der die Gedankenwelt des Künstlers…

Caprese. Capisci?

Capri – kennt man. „Caprese“ auch: Tomaten, Mozzarella und duftendes Basilikum schichten sich zum Klassiker aller Vorspeisen. Und die Capri-Fischer, die kennen wir auch: Sie…

Prime Cut aus dem Anthropozän

Das rohe Steak schimmert in saftigem Dunkelrot. Sorgfältig trägt Matthias Mross die Farbe mit senkrecht gestelltem Pinsel auf. Mit den kompakten Tupfern bildet er die Enden der…